GCSE Maths Equivalency Exams are what you could potentially need in order to gain access into higher education training courses. This tends to be the case for people who have been outside of education for a while and have settled into a career that they no longer want to be in. GCSE Maths Equivalency exams have been designed so that if you don’t have the required GCSE grades for their course, you will be able to take an equivalency and gain access. They are mainly required for those looking to start a teacher training programme, midwifery programme or nursing.
Manchester Tutor Company would like to offer you a headstart into commencing your new journey. We understand that choosing a course provider can be overwhelming, especially when there’s so many different providers who are ultimately offering the GCSE Maths Equivalency Course!
We would like to make your life easier and highly recommend A Star Equivalency as our no1 provider for GCSE Maths Equivalency testing. This is due to their approach to making the process as simple as possible so you can just focus on achieving your desired grades!
A Star Equivalency offer either a pure exam package (including certificate) or an exam and course package which will include everything you could ever need to pass your GCSE Maths Equivalency Exam. Their course includes a revision guide, flashcards, mock exams and mark schemes so you can get a headstart with what to expect on the exam day, as all the topics that could ever potentially appear on your exam will be covered there.
The GCSE Equivalency Exam has been created following the Edexcel GCSE Maths Specification. However, there have been a few modifications in order to make it more accessible to you as the exam boards are understanding that it is likely you have been out of education for a while. There is also always the option to take a foundation version if you think that you may struggle with the higher tier. However, always check with the course provider what their required grades are, as it can vary and some are only attainable by taking the higher paper and the foundation paper is capped at L5.
Just as an idea for you which paper you think could be best for you, please see the grade boundaries for each tier below :
Foundation Tier Maths Equivalency Exam Grade Boundaries
- Grade 4 (low C) (55% to 74%) Grade 5 (75% to 100%)
Higher Tier Maths Equivalency Grade Boundaries are as follows:
- Grade 4 (25 to 34%) 9 mark band 25 to 34 marks inclusive
- Grade 5 (35 to 43%) 9 mark band 35 to 43 marks inclusive
- Grade 6 (44 to 54%) 11 mark band 44 to 54 marks inclusive
- Grade 7 (55 to 68%) 14 mark band 55 to 68 marks inclusive
- Grade 8 (69 to 82%) 14 mark band 69 to 82 marks inclusive
- Grade 9 (83 to 100%) 18 mark band 83 to 100 marks inclusive
For the exam day, you will need a computer/laptop, webcam, ID, strong internet access is essential as well as a pen and paper for working out and a scientific calculator. On your chosen exam day, you will be required to sit a 2 hour exam. This will consist of two 1 hour exams that are both worth 50 marks each. Paper 1 is the Non Calculator exam and then you will go straight into the Paper 2 – Calculator exam. All whilst being invigilated through an online webcam call to protect the integrity of the exam procedure and grades.
If this sounds like a road that you could be interested in taking, please get in touch with us here at Manchester Tutor Company and we will be happy to help with anything that you may need. Whether it is some 1 to 1 tuition to compliment your revision, help to structure revision timetabling or some general support, we are here to help you through your GCSE Maths Equivalency Exam journey.